Bring Home Happy with DreamWorks Trolls | Family Movie Night Ideas
Bring home happy with Dreamworks Trolls is the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon with a party that continues all the way into evening. My girls and I have been gearing up for our FAMILY Movie Night with TROLLS activities, food and crafts.
Dreamworks TROLLS movie is a lovely message that we all have a wild-haired, beaming doll of happiness inside of us. I dare you, literally double dare you, to just try to not be filled with happiness and joy whilst watching Dreamworks TROLLS. The happiness and joy that Poppy emotes is so very infectious. My daughters and I were singing along and dancing with the various trolls.
The message is about friendships, grace, love and most of all, fun, joy and happiness. Which is the same message we are trying to convey to our children. I highly suggest hosting a family movie night and planing a night of singing, laughing and dancing. As well as some amazing TROLL DIY crafts, TROLL Treats and any other thing that will get you up acting like you have a hidden Poppy inside of you.
My daughters love to craft and I mean they would rather create, dream up new things to create, draw, paint and basically use their creative brains in all aspects of their lives, rather than schooling ! They decided to create animals and creatures by felting. Felting is taking pieces of wool and transforming shapeless wool fibers into colorful creations!
These delightful felted TROLLS added the perfect whimsical touch to our Dreamworks TROLLS Family Movie Night! These intend to make all the characters -- but so far, they have created / felted FUZZBERT, SMIDGE, and COOPER!! I Simply ADORE these felted characters!
The colorful, richly textured Troll Village is full of optimistic Trolls, who are always ready to sing, dance and party. When the comically pessimistic Bergens invade, Poppy (Anna Kendrick), the happiest Troll ever born, and the overly-cautious, curmudgeonly Branch (Justin Timberlake) set off on an epic journey to rescue her friends. Their mission is full of adventure and mishaps, as this mismatched duo try to tolerate each other long enough to get the job done.
DreamWorks Trolls Family Movie Night Ideas
We planned a day of Troll Treats and we made Trolls Peculiar Pies . . . what do you think was the favorite of the evening? Pickle Pizza? Hot Dog Pizza? Ice Cream Pizza? Lollipop Pizza? Fruit Pizza? Veggie Pizza? Our favorite was S'mores Pizzetta! We also enjoyed TROLLS Candy Bark and TROLLS Rice Krispie Rainbow Treats
TROLLS Rice Krispie Rainbow Treats
TROLLS Candy Bark
Here is a quick and easy DIY project for you to put together with your children, family and friends to keep everyone filled with joy and laughter AND to keep kiddos busy if you are hosting TROLLS party. These would also make great gifts!
Directions for DIY Bubble Jar Labels:
1. Print the bubble jar label printable from any color printer.
2. Cut each circle disc from the printable.
3. Glue the circle bubble disc label to a small jar. (I picked mine up in dollar bins)
4. Fill each glass jar with bubble juice.
Directions for DIY Bubble Juice:
1. Pour 1 cup of water into a bowl
2. Add 2 TBSP corn syrup to the bowl.
3. Add 2 TBSP of dish soap to the bowl.
4. OPTIONAL: Add a couple of drops of food coloring to the liquid and stir to get a variety of colors.
5. Mix and fill the glass jars previously labeled.
SCIENCE TIP FOR YOUR KIDS: Soap bubbles are made of a gas that are surrounded by a thin layer of liquid. The liquid is strong enough to hold in air, but light enough to float. The corn syrup in this solution makes the bubbles super strong.
Directions for the DIY Bubble Wand:
1. Buy a package of brightly colored pipe cleaners.
2. Bend the colored pipe cleaners into various shapes and twist the ends to make the DIY wand. Use small cookie cutter shapes to bend the pipe cleaners into fun shapes and twist the ends to make the DIY bubble wand.
3. Thread colorful plastic beads onto the DIY Bubble Wand.

Check out my FULL TROLLS Family Movie Night Dreamworks TROLLS Ideas on my Pinterest Board.